Spring arrived, quite suddenly and we went on a Pilgrimage to the countryside I loved best. This is where I explored as a child and it was nice to be Big now so that I could walk further.

Most important was getting to see wild daffodils, just as lovely as I remember.

I seem to be spending much too much time on the computer these days, almost as much as HoF. I am researching a family tree for a friend, enjoying the detective work. And not enjoying the books I've read lately. Here are my recommendations of what NOT to read.
The Coral Strand by Ravinder Randhawa
In the Country of Men by Hisham Matar (except for the titbits of info about the horrors of the Ghadaffi regime)
Their Eyes were Watching God by Zara Hurston
Rachel's Holiday by Marian Keyes
I don't know what it is about modern books; they start off so well and then disappoint. Last year I read 77 books but the rate I'm going this year I won't be doing that again. Still I've ordered three Christian books from Amazon and am hoping for something better for the holidays to come.