Sunday, 22 May 2011

Mystery photo

Big Sis and I went through old photos. So many don't have labels; let that be a lesson to me to rename my .jpgs.
An internet site has done a great job of dating and placing this for me. It was taken in Smethwick Birmingham in 1923, decided by the clever people who could date the AA badge on the lorry. I still don't know what the occasion was though, that caused such fancy dress and celebration. My grandmother is the gypsy and I think my mother is the sailor boy.
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Tuesday, 17 May 2011

More canal pics

You couldn't do much better than this for photos to advertise England, so eat your heart out, expats!

There was interesting work from time to time with locks and drawbridges.

And time just to sit too.

And now it's time to get on with the next village mag. Here's hoping that enough articles arrive by Thursday to make it interesting for readers. Sometimes it feels like trying to get homework from reluctant students. On the garden front, two bearded irises brought from the previous abode have at last decided to flower. They must have heard me threaten to pull them up if they didn't stop wasting space. HoF has decided not to let me throw away a pair of old boots in the garden ("but they're REAL leather") and has today bought begonias to plant in them.
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Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Canal holiday

We have had some lovely holiday times over the past month. First up was a treat chosen by Big Sis for her trip over from Canada. The weather was the absolute best one could ever hope for on a canal holiday and the Brecon and Monmouth must be one of the best of canals. Beautiful scenery, easily seen from on board, meant that there was little chance of reading but cameras almost constanly in use.

We usually managed a walk during the day, on the tow path or to a nearby village.

There were many bridges and we each acquired the art of steering through them. Well, nearly always. Before we set off the hull had been touched up with black paint, 'iceberg paint', the man called it.
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Monday, 2 May 2011

By the Thames

Real people masquerading as statues
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London weekend

A weekend in London at the beginning of April after a call at Miss P's for odd jobs and gardening. Miss P will not be there much longer, so we'll be looking out for new inhabitants.
We spent the weekend with special old friends and had our first trip on the London Eye with its splendid view.

Followed by a walkabout through London streets to Trafalgar Square via Charing Cross, a look in the National Gallery and tea in St James Park.
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Catch-up time

For some weird Picasa reason my photos wouldn't upload so I haven't blogged for a while. This is a photo of the daffodils we went to see in my last post, genuine wild ones growing near my childhood home.
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