Feeling a little blue because my two closest female relatives left today. Big Sis came for two and a half weeks and we had lots of fun together, going for walks, doing cryptic crosswords, visiting interesting places, finding relatives, dead and alive and giggling like the old days. Miss P only came for a week and joined us on outings including this trip to the Elan Valley. We've had quite a lot of sunshine and hardly any rain and Sis is hoping that the snow will have gone when she gets back to Canada. It's so nice to be together and have time to chat. We can appreciate how the Atlantic separated relatives in the past and are very glad to have email and telephones now. We even do a weekly crossword together.
Clocks changed today and we have been sitting in the conservatory in the sunshine, but it's chilly out and we have lit the fire for the evening. Tomorrow we are going to take part in Experience Easter, taking a 'station' in church to display one aspect of Easter for schoolchildren.