Thursday, 29 March 2012

People you might know

 Off home for supper
 Joining in with Sunday School
 Eating out
Helping with the music in the house church

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Up the mountain

 Up the mountain in the school's pool car until it gets stuck, then walk..............

Friday, 9 March 2012

Rural transport Ethiopian-style

 This is a cavalcade of farm animals crossing the future motorway to Djibouti. Hope they don't keep trying to do this.

Addis street views


Friday, 2 March 2012

And so to Ethiopia

 Goodbye Nairobi and hello Addis Ababa. Like a lot of African countries, and maybe our own too, there are contrasts.
 We arrived at the swanky modern airport, externally at least.
And this is the view from our friends' flat of the neighbourhood. Now it really is a matter of viewpoint, because when we arrived at their flat, we thought even that was a bit bare and basic. A walk around town though and you realise it is comparatively affluent. And as the poorer properties are removed to make way for the high rise hotels and offices, you also realise that some heritage and culture is being destroyed where once you might have called them slums.