Tuesday 12 July 2011

Des Res?

For the past several weeks we have been occupied with getting Miss P's pad ready for new occupiers. Such a lot of sorting of belongings, fixing of buildings and taming of garden seemed to take forever. But at last it's all done, shipshape and Bristol-fashion.

Miss P is happily ensconced with another Miss P, the nurses are installed and HoF is feeling sad as the house now seems a very Des Res. Even if the area with its multiple wheelie bin occupancy does not.

But there is plenty of fixing to do where we are that keeps him occupied. I have been transcribing some local parish registers and found that contemporary signatures are so illegible that it ought to be law that people should put an 'x' next to a printed version of their names.
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Benjol said...
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Benjol said...

Is that before or after photos? I hope you haven't left too many good books on that shelf!

As for illegible signatures, I think you have at least 3 examples in your immediate family :)