Tuesday 5 August 2008

Wedding's gone, summer too

It's pouring, cats and dogs. Strange how quickly summer sunshine can seem a distant memory. So it's an indoor day, no need to fell guilty about neglecting the garden. The H of F is upstairs on one computer, and I'm down in the conservatory on the laptop, the raindrops falling noisily above my head.
We got back yesterday from a rather super wedding which I'll tell you more about when we've uploaded the photos.
We also went to one meeting of New Life Conference at Rora which you can follow via internet radio http://media15.cqservers.com/newliferadio-live, or in our case, with the clever soundbridge. I recommend listening to an African called Gbile. You might see some familiar faces on the radio site.
We stayed with the chaotic and amusing household of Platypuses, along with Kokoshka Rowlands (let him who reads understand).
On the way home we stopped at two National Trust sites as we are trying to get our money's worth out of our annual sub before the season finishes. It's very nice to feel in credit and be able to visit a place just for an hour or so without feeling one is spending a waste of money.

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