Thursday 21 August 2008

Weekend Guests

Folk you might recognise who spent a jolly weekend with us. We visited a museum called The Land of Lost Content, where we found lots of things we remembered from childhood. Things like Bayko; photos of people like Eve Boswell; Muffin the Mule. If you are over a certain age it's a good way to spend a wet afternoon in the Marches. Though we did wish they'd dust it a bit.
I went in to Ludlow today on the bus. Went to a demonstartion on compost and learned that the visiting moles have probably devoured all the worms in my heap. Then I bought some things to take as gifts to America (any suggestions appreciated). When I came home H o F had removed the range! That's the next stage to a New Kitchen. Wow!
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1 comment:

Benjol said...

Eh... Mike and Janet, I do. But the other couple?