Tuesday 1 January 2008

Here we go, here we go......

Here we go for yet another blog. Well, the thing is, that I am now a global grandparent with grandkids in Eire, Africa and Switzerland. And because I don't see them very often I thought maybe, just maybe, if I started a blog, then their parents might say "Look at what Grandma's been up to!" And they wouldn't forget about me, and the Head of Finance too of course.

And then there's the fact that I'm a pretty useless telephone person, especially long distance, as my children will verify, and the sort of tittle tattle that seems inconsequential on the phone, might be easy to burble about here. Then you'll know that I have a life other than being a grandma! Hence the title.

1 comment:

Benjol said...

So glad you started!

We will definitely be following things closely.

Added you to Google Reader straight away.
