Sunday 4 January 2009

The Freeze Continues

Still cold here, minus temperatures with heating switching itself on in the night. The bird feeders are getting plenty of use, and we even have a female Blackcap visiting (and they have brown caps actually) and considering they are usually summer migrants, this is either a stopover or an immigrant. If only we could ask!

I checked on that free swimming for over 60's, but alas I have an address on the wrong side of the Celtic Curtain. Still it was only £1.70, so I went in and lasted all of 20 mins before becoming bored with trawling up and down the same stretch of water. It must have taken me just as long to get dressed again. It is all the dressing and undressing which puts me off the whole thing, but I felt quite virtuous for having been. Apparently if I go to the over 50's session I can have free tea and toast after! A good bribe.

I have counted my books on the past year's list. 64. Big Sister says that one book a week cannot be described as lazy, so I am only a little over that. Certainly one of the joys of being
retired for which I am very grateful.

HoF came with me tonight to the Book Group where we discussed 'The Boy in Striped Pyjamas', which seemed to have begun as a fable for adults but transmuted into a children's book, perhaps to increase its sales' pitch. Do read it if you can, but don't give it to a child under about thirteen. HoF was very brave being the only male and the event being held in the home of a renowned man hater! 'It isn't that I don't like men,' she said, 'but I do wish they'd shape up'. A certain GWN would have said Amen to that.

Our list of appliances is shortened by three, now we have purchased oven, hob and hood. Only five more to go.
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